Tampa residents enjoy an active outdoor lifestyle, especially in the many walkable neighborhoods. However, the reality of pedestrian accidents casts a shadow over this sunny city. Victims of such accidents often find themselves facing not only physical injuries but also navigating a complex personal injury claim. If you suffered injuries in a pedestrian accident that wasn’t your fault, contacting a pedestrian accident attorney in Tampa is essential. 

At James Horne Law, PA, we have years of experience helping victims of pedestrian accidents in Tampa. We can safeguard your rights and help you fight for the compensation the at-fault driver owes you. 

Why You Need a Tampa Pedestrian Accidents Attorney

While the law doesn’t require you to retain a Tampa attorney, we highly recommend hiring one. Read on to learn more about how an accident attorney in Tampa can help you with a pedestrian claim. 

Legal Experience and Knowledge

The aftermath of a pedestrian accident can be overwhelming, especially with medical bills piling up and bill collectors circling. A skilled personal injury lawyer understands the intricacies of Florida pedestrian laws and can guide you through the process, ensuring your rights are protected every step of the way.

Your attorney will help secure all evidence and documentation that supports your claim. Without sufficient evidence to prove liability, you won’t be able to recover any compensation. 

Your Pedestrian Accident Lawyer Will Deal with Insurance Companies 

Insurance companies often aim to minimize payouts. With a dedicated pedestrian accident attorney by your side, you have an advocate who knows these companies’ tactics and how to counteract them effectively. You won’t need to speak with the driver’s insurance when an attorney represents you. Your attorney will handle all communication and settlement negotiations on your behalf. 

Representation in Court

If your case cannot be resolved through negotiations, you want an attorney to represent you and prepare your case for trial. When you hire a pedestrian accident attorney at James Horne Law, PA, we will build a strong case from the start. If we need to file a lawsuit on your behalf, rest assured we will be ready to litigate on your behalf. 

Common Causes of Pedestrian Accidents 

Numerous factors can contribute to a pedestrian accident in Tampa. Some of the most common causes and hazards include: 

  • Distracted or impaired driving,
  • Failure to yield at crosswalks,
  • Poorly designed intersections and lack of pedestrian infrastructure,
  • Speeding and reckless driving in urban areas,
  • Adverse weather or road conditions, 
  • Poorly lit streets,
  • Fatigued driving, 
  • Jaywalking, and
  • Not following other traffic rules or regulations. 

Understanding these causes is the first step in preventing future accidents. It’s common for some accidents to involve more than one of these hazards. 

Injuries Often Sustained in Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrians have no protection in the event of a collision, leading to severe, sometimes life-altering injuries. Examples of injuries in pedestrian accidents include: 

  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBI),
  • Spinal cord injuries and paralysis,
  • Broken bones and fractures,
  • Severe lacerations and abrasions, and
  • Emotional and psychological trauma. 

The severity and impact of these injuries underscore the need for a comprehensive legal strategy to secure adequate compensation. If you sustained catastrophic injuries in a pedestrian accident, James Horne Law PA can help. 

What to Do After a Pedestrian Accident in Tampa

Your actions following an accident are critical. What you do following an accident can impact your personal injury claim. First, it’s crucial to prioritize your health and safety. Next, you should: 

  1. Contact the police. You need an officer to document the scene and take a report. 
  2. Exchange information. Collect contact and insurance details from the driver involved.
  3. Document the scene. If possible, take photos and gather witness information.
  4. Seek immediate medical attention. Even if injuries seem minor, underlying issues could surface later.

Your next instinct might be to report the accident to the driver’s insurance. However, we recommend consulting with a pedestrian accident attorney in Tampa first to discuss your legal options. 

Types of Compensation Available in a Pedestrian Accident 

Victims of pedestrian accidents may be entitled to various forms of compensation, covering:

  • Medical expenses and rehabilitation costs,
  • Lost wages and future earning capacity,
  • Pain and suffering and emotional distress, and
  • Life quality adjustments for permanent injuries or disabilities. 

When you meet with our legal team, we will discuss what types of compensation you’re entitled to and what your case is potentially worth. 

Why Choose James Horne Law PA?

Choosing the right law firm is crucial. We know you have a significant number of options when it comes to Tampa personal injury lawyers. James Horne Law PA offers:

  • Proven experience. We have deep knowledge of Florida’s pedestrian and traffic laws to help you navigate your case through trial. 
  • Client-centered approach. We treat every case with the attention and compassion it deserves.
  • Track record of success. We have a history of securing favorable outcomes for our clients through settlement or trial.
  • Dedication to justice. Our commitment extends beyond individual cases to advocating for safer pedestrian environments in Tampa.

Navigating the aftermath of a pedestrian accident can be daunting, but with the correct legal representation, you can focus on your recovery while we handle the legal complexities. 

If you or a loved one suffered in a pedestrian accident in Tampa, reach out to James Horne Law PA. Together, we’ll work towards securing the justice and compensation you need to move forward.